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. 2018 Mar 21;8:4972. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23151-6

Table 1.

Oxygen isotope data (SMOW-SLAP scaled) of evaporation experiment waters and natural samples.

Sample δ′17O ±(1 sd) δ′18O ±(1 sd) 17O-excess ±(1 sd) n cond. TDS
(‰) (‰) (‰) (‰) (per meg) (per meg) (mS/cm) (g/l)
tap water exp L0 −6.682 0.165 −12.677 0.322 11 6 4 0.2
exp L1 −4.446 0.116 −8.440 0.237 10 9 4 0.2
exp L2 −3.492 0.189 −6.606 0.388 −3 16 4 0.3
exp L3 −1.040 0.100 −1.957 0.201 −7 6 4 0.3
exp L4 −0.832 0.270 −1.561 0.513 −7 5 7 0.4
exp L5 1.455 0.203 2.807 0.380 −26 7 6 0.4
low-TDS water exp LS0 (pond 8) −2.011 0.658 −3.809 1.261 0 7 12 37.2 22.5
exp LS1 −0.155 0.015 −0.282 0.024 −7 2 4 31.0
exp LS2 0.182 0.045 0.364 0.097 −10 7 4 33.3
exp LS3 1.910 0.049 3.686 0.107 −36 7 4 43.6
exp LS4 1.928 0.147 3.735 0.282 −44 5 6 43.9
exp LS5 4.260 0.202 8.195 0.385 −67 7 5 58.5
high-TDS water exp HS0 (pond 1) 5.117 0.842 9.826 1.580 −72 6 10 174.1 186
exp HS1 5.353 0.195 10.292 0.394 −81 14 4 213
exp HS2 4.938 0.007 9.541 0.044 −100 16 4 249
exp HS3 6.018 0.080 11.592 0.176 −102 12 4 292
exp HS4 4.981 0.044 9.638 0.088 −108 2 4 286
exp HS5 6.367 0.188 12.284 0.376 −118 13 7 392
natural waters
group pond
pond 8 −2.011 0.658 −3.809 1.261 0 7 12 37.2 22.5
pond 11 −1.685 0.025 −3.205 0.030 7 10 4 24.2 16.4
I average 1.848 0.231 3.507 0.427 4 5
II pond 7 0.579 0.084 1.086 0.153 5 3 4 48.4 32.3
pond 6 0.671 0.148 1.303 0.270 −17 6 4 63.1 47.7
pond 9 1.082 0.005 2.087 0.020 −20 6 4 55.8 42.7
pond 10 0.515 0.044 1.006 0.065 −16 10 4 58.5 38.8
III average 0.756 0.293 1.465 0.558 18 2
pond 4 2.209 0.039 4.232 0.080 −26 3 4 90.5 65.7
pond 5 1.716 0.020 3.307 0.013 −30 13 4 74.9 59.4
IV average 1.962 0.348 3.769 0.654 28 3
pond 2 3.463 0.093 6.655 0.189 −51 10 6 158.8 141
pond 3 3.655 0.004 7.022 0.004 −53 6 4 130.7 108
V average 3.559 0.136 6.838 0.259 52 1
VI pond 1 5.117 0.842 9.826 1.580 72 6 10 174.1 186
average salar water 2.703 1.069 5.208 2.022 48 10 131
site 12 (groundwater) −3.328 0.155 −6.315 0.255 7 21 4 5.8 4.18
rain −2.840 0.059 −5.418 0.119 20 6 2