IL2, IFNγ, and TNFα mRNA from virus-specific CD8+ T cells following autologous CD4+CD25+ Treg cell coculture. Virus-nonspecific and virus-specific CD8+ T cells from FIV+ cats were sorted as described in Figure 1. Virus-nonspecific CD8+ T cells (black bars, CFSEhi) from FIV+ cats were cultured with autologous Treg cells (striped bars, CFSEhi+Treg) and virus-specific CD8+ T cells from FIV+ cats (white bars, CFSElow) were sorted with autologous Treg cells (gray bars, CFSElow+Treg). Cells were isolated and cultured at 1 week (left column), 4 weeks (middle column), and 8 weeks (right column) postinfection. (A) Following Treg cell coculture, IL2 mRNA is decreased in virus-specific CD8+ T cells at 4 and 8 weeks postinfection. (B) Following Treg cell coculture, IFNγ mRNA is decreased in virus-specific CD8+ T cells at 4 and 8 weeks postinfection. (C) TNFα is decreased in virus-specific CD8+ T cells at 4 weeks postinfection following Treg cell coculture (n = 3–7 cats for each time point). Bars represent the mean + SEM. Data were analyzed using an unpaired t-test with significance set at p < .05, asterisks. SEM, standard error of the mean.