Fig 5.
In vivo anti-tumor activity of CP–NIC nanoparticles. (a) and (b) tumor cells (HCT-116) were implanted in the right flank of male nude mice on day zero. When the tumor volume reached ~100 mm3, mice were treated intravenously every third day for two weeks with PBS (n=8), unconjugated NIC (5 mg/kg BW, n=8) or CP–NIC (20 mg NIC equiv/kg BW, n=8). (a) Tumor volume up to day 30 (mean ± 95% CI, n= 8). p > 0.0001 for CP–NIC, NIC or PBS treatment. At day 10, comparison was made among groups using the Tukey test. (b) Cumulative survival of mice (Kaplan–Meier).