fNIRS deOxyHb signals, n = 38. Voxel-wise analysis (left): Colored region on the left hemisphere of the rendered brain indicates the contrast [Eye-to-Eye > Eye-to-Picture]. MNI coordinates = (-54, 8, 26); peak voxel t = 2.4; p = 0.009; n of voxels (an index of regional area) = 75; Channel-wise analysis (middle): Colored region on the left hemisphere of the rendered brain, Channel 28 (See Figure 4B), indicates the contrast [Eye-to-Eye > Eye-to-Picture]. MNI coordinates = (-58, 2, 23); peak voxel t = 1.78; p = 0.042. The right rendering shows the corresondence between the voxel-wise cluster (red area) and channel 28 (open circle). The significant regions overlap by 57%.