Table 6.
Standardized Unique Associations (Standard Errors) of ADHD and Internalizing Symptom Dimensions on Being Classified with Poor Sleep
Poor Sleep Status | |
Sex | .07 (.02)*** |
Race | −.01 (.01) |
Age | −.01 (.02) |
ADHD-IN | .13 (.03)***a |
ADHD-HI | .02 (.03)b |
ANX | .19 (.04)***a |
DEP | .22 (.03)***a |
Note. N = 7,626. For sex, 0 = male, 1 = female. For race, 0 = non-White, 1 = White. For poor sleep status, 0 = good sleep, 1 = poor sleep. ADHD-HI = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms. ADHD-IN = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder inattention symptoms. ANX = anxiety symptoms. DEP = depressive symptoms.
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001.