Table 5.
Difference in %MD | CBCd Number (%) |
UBCd Number (%) |
ORe (95% CI) |
Difference <10% | 150 (71) | 144 (64) | 1.00 |
Decrease ≥10% | 60 (29) | 81 (36) | 0.63 (0.40, 1.01) |
Abbreviations: %MD percent mammographic density, CBC contralateral breast cancer, UBC unilateral breast cancer, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
aDefined as the difference between the two time points
bPrior to/at 1st diagnosis was 36 months prior up to 1 month post diagnosis
cPost diagnosis was > 6 months up to 48 months post diagnosis
dExcluding those with missing menopausal status information and those with an increase ≥10%
eOR adjusted for change in age, estimated body mass index, and menopausal status between prior to/at first diagnosis and post-diagnosis mammograms and for initial %MD, study center, race (non-Hispanic white versus other), age at first diagnosis, age at menarche, number of full-term pregnancies, histologic type, stage, and estrogen receptor status of first diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiation, and tamoxifen use after first diagnosis