Fig. 3. Flvcr1a endothelial knockout embryos show impaired vascular integrity.
a Whole-mount staining with CD31/Pecam-1 antibody showing the embryonic vasculature in E11.5 embryos. Enlarged pictures of both the forelimb (left) and the hindlimb (right) are reported. b Matrigel-based tube formation assay of HMECs in which the expression of FLVCR1a was downregulated using a specific shRNA. The histograms of the number of nodes, junctions, segments and isolated segments are shown. The total segments length is also reported. Data represent mean ± SEM, n = 19; *p < 0.05. eKO Flvcr1a endothelial knockout; scr cells infected with a “scramble” shRNA; 1a, cells infected with a shRNA specific for FLVCR1a