Fig. 6. Global gene expression and DNA methylation analyses of human SSCs-derived spermatids.
a Hierarchical clustering analysis showed the global gene expression profiles of round spermatids derived from human SSCs by 3D-I system, round spermatids of OA patients, and human SSCs and human Sertoli cells of OA patients. b Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis revealed the similarities of large scale of gene expression among round spermatids derived from human SSCs by 3D-I system, round spermatids of OA patients, and human SSCs and human Sertoli cells of OA patients. c Scatter plot revealed global gene levels in human SSCs-derived spermatids and round spermatids from OA patients. d Hierarchical clustering analysis of bisulfite sequencing showed the similarities in the DNA methylation of round spermatids derived from human SSCs by 3D-I system, round spermatids of OA patients, pachytene spermatocytes, and human SSCs of OA patients. e Bisulfite sequencing analysis revealed the similarities of DNA methylation among round spermatids derived from human SSCs by 3D-I system, round spermatids of OA patients, and human SSCs and pachytene spermatocytes of OA patients. f, g Bisulfite sequencing illustrated the DNA methylation of imprinted genes, namely H19 and PEG10, among round spermatids derived from human SSCs by 3D-I system, round spermatids of OA patients, pachytene spermatocytes of OA patients, and human SSCs of OA patients. The results shown in a–g were presented from at least two independent experiments