(a) SR101 staining of a single freshly dissociated astrocyte, and three “miniature syncytia” with a varied number of astrocytes as indicated. AS: astrocyte. (b) OGD-induced VM depolarization increases with the number of coupled astrocytes. (c) Quantification of OGD-induced ΔVM in (b) (NS, P>0.05; *, P<0.05, ANOVA). (d) Representative astrocyte whole-cell currents recorded before and at the end of 30 min OGD under uncoupled and varied coupling syncytial sizes. (e) Normalized I-V plots show an OGD-induced positive shift in I-V plot (depolarization), but no suppression of passive conductance change in astrocyte in situ. (f) OGD induced neither a shift in I-V plot nor reduction in passive conductance in single astrocytes.