(a) Schematic diagram of conventional whole-cell mode (left), and cell-attached mode (right) for VM recording in syncytial-coupled astrocytes. (b) SR101 fluorescence in recording electrode shows cytoplasm-electrode exchange in whole-cell mode (blue arrow), but not in cell-attached mode. (c-d) Representative VM recording in whole-cell mode (c) and in cell-attached mode (d) of astrocytes in situ. Insets show unchanged Rin. (e) Quantification of VM shows no significant difference of the VM recorded in whole-cell and cell-attached modes (P>0.05, t-test). (f) The OGD-induced astrocytes ΔVM is significantly greater in cell-attached mode than in whole-cell mode (P<0.01, t-test). (g) Representative VM recording of NG2 glia in cell-attached mode. Insets show unchanged Rin. (h) The OGD-induced NG2 glia ΔVM is comparable in cell-attached mode and in whole-cell mode (P>0.05, t-test).