Figure 5.
Sholl analysis of dendritic number and arborization 12 months following PTEN deletion. A. Flattened projection of a 3D reconstruction of tdTomato-labeled control neuron from a cleared thick section. B. Flattened projection of a tdTomato-labeled PTEN deleted neuron. C. Traced projection of A. overlaid with concentric circles for Sholl analysis. D. Heat map of C generated by Sholl Program. E. Traced projection of B overlaid with concentric circles. F. Heat map of E generated by Sholl Program. G. Average intersections for the Sholl concentric circle analysis data from 23 control and 44 PTEN deleted pyramidal neurons. Asterisks indicate distances at which differences were significant at p<.05 by Sidak’s post-test (for 40μm–150μm p<0.0001, 160μm p=0.0102). H. Cross-sectional area of soma. I. Diameter of the large apical dendrite (30 μm away from the center of the soma). J. Ratio of dendrite diameter to cross-sectional area of the soma. K. Number of basal and apical primary dendrites. L. Maximal number of intersections at any distance from the soma (concentric circle with highest number of crossings). M. total number of branch points in PTEN deleted vs. control neurons.