The Goddard semi-quantitative of CT-emphysema score in a 68-year old male patient with SCLC. (A) Right and left lungs is each divided into three areas, which consisted of upper, middle, and lower lung fields. Scattered lines on this scout image indicate the levels of the three lung zones (upper lung zone: 1 cm above the upper margin of the aortic arch, middle lung zone: 1cm below the carina, and lower lung zone: 3 cm above the top of the diaphragm). Emphysema severity is evaluated using a five-point scale in each of these six areas [1 point (emphysema occupying <25%), 2 points (25% to <50%), 3 points (50% to <75%), and 4 points (≥75%)]. Final scores are calculated by summing the scores of the six areas per patient (maximum total: 24 points); (B-D) total CT-emphysema score is 22 [scores for upper; 4 (right)/4 (left), middle; 3 (right)/4 (left), and lower; 3 (right)/4 (left)]. CT, computed tomography; SCLC, small cell lung cancer.