Results of the SNP array, G-banded karyotyping and two-colour FISH analysis of the current patient. (A) Ideogram of chromosome 8 in the patient. Arrows indicate the location of the breakpoint. (B) A SNP array identified a deletion from 8p23.2 to 8pter in the patient. The SNP array data were analysed using ChAS 3.0 software. Both log2 ratios and SNP genotyping calls accurately identified the location and size of the deleted region. The red box outlines the deleted region. The deleted region spanned a ~6 Mb segment with a breakpoint at ~6,004,205 bp. (C) Routine G-banded karyotyping showed a normal karyotype of 46, XY. (D) The FISH analysis showed one orange signal (probe for the sub-telomere region of chromosome 8p labelled with spectrum orange) and two green signals (probe for the centromere of chromosome 8 labelled with spectrum green) for this patient, indicating a deletion of 8pter region. SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).