Figure 3.
(A) T1-weighted SEMAC-VAT image, of a 79-year-old female who underwent THA on her right hip joint, showing an intermediate signal band at the interface between the bone and implant (white arrows) (B) T2-weighted TIRM SEMAC-VAT image, of a 79-year-old female who underwent THA on her right hip joint, showing an intermediate-to-low signal band at the interface between the bone and implant (white arrows) (C) DR image, of a 79-year-old female who underwent THA on her right hip joint, showing no significant light line surrounding the implant. The patient was diagnosed with bone resorption and a lesion on the greater trochanter side with a width of more than 2 mm. The lesion on the lesser trochanter side was diagnosed with a synovial-like membrane. DR = digital radiography; SEMAC-VAT = slice-encoding metal artifact correction and view-angle tilting; THA = total hip arthroplasty; TIRM = turbo inversion recovery magnitude.