Fig. 4.
Prediction and clustering of differentially spliced events across bipolar neuron differentiation. Density-based clustering performed on the 2780 regulated cassette events that change splicing significantly in at least one comparison between adjacent steps across four differentiation stages (days after differentiation 0, 1, 3, 4). a–c The average PSI (y-axis) per stage (x-axis) of the events in the three clusters obtained. Microexons (< 28 nt) are plotted in blue over the rest of the events in orange. d–f Motif enrichment associated with each of the three clusters in a–c in the regions upstream (200 nt), exonic, and downstream (200 nt). Only enriched motifs associated with splicing factors that are differentially expressed are shown in each comparison between differentiation stages (days after differentiation 0, 1, 3, 4). In red we indicate the splicing factors that are upregulated and in blue those that are downregulated at each stage. The color intensity indicates the z-score of the motif enrichment. Motifs are shown in each cluster and region where they are found enriched