Fig. 1.
Overall architecture of the 10-TM core of vSGLT. (A) A cartoon representation of the crystal structure of vSGLT in the inward-open conformation (PDB ID code 2XQ2). The conserved 10-TM core is divided into TMs 3, 4, 8, and 9 constituting the hash motif (shown in red), TMs 1, 2, 6, and 7 constituting the bundle domain (shown in green), and two gating helices TMs 5 and 10 (shown in blue). The extracellular cavity connecting the ligand binding site to the intracellular space is shown in yellow. (B) An outward-facing homology model of vSGLT generated from the outward-facing structure of the Proteus mirabilis sialic-acid transporter (PDB ID code 5NV9) displays rigid-body movements between the bundle domain and hash motif, accompanied with TM10 opening, compared with the inward-facing structure. Color code is the same as in A, and the extracellular cavity is shown in yellow. (C) The structural motifs of the inward-open conformation are shown separately with the TM numbering.