Figure 3. Representative 3D nanofiber scaffolds generated by electrospinning.
(A) (i) Electrospun nanofiber assembled 3D scaffolds, (ii) An optical photograph of 3D scaffolds with diverse shapes. Reproduced with permission.[109] Copyright 2014, Nature Publishing Group. (B) Photographs show the PCL electrospun nanofiber before (i) and after (ii) expansion in 1M NaBH4 for 24h. Reproduced with permission.[112] Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society. (C) Micrographs shows a 3D nanofiber scaffold composed of 15 layers of fiber stripes with basket-weaved structure and regular pores (i) and a 3D nanofiber scaffold composed of 2 layers of fiber stripes (ii). Reproduced with permission.[114] Copyright 2012, Wiley. (D) (i) Photograph of the overall 3D hybrid scaffolds containing microfibers and electrospun nanofibers with dimensions of 9 mm × 9 mm × 3.5 mm, (ii) the hybrid basic unit layer composed of microfibers and the electrospun nanofibers matrix. Reproduced with permission.[115] Copyright 2008, Elsevier.