Effect of the MLCK inhibitor, ML-7, on ACh-induced contraction in the GSMCs of male and female rats. GSMCs of male or female rats were stimulated with ACh in the presence or absence of ML-7 and were viewed under an inverted phase microscope. Images of treated and non-treated single cells were acquired and the extent of cell contraction was measured. Contraction in response to ACh was significantly greater in male cells compared with female cells. MLCK inhibitor significantly inhibited ACh-induced contraction in the GSMCs of male and female rats. ML-7-induced inhibition of gastric muscle contraction and abolished the sex differences in the ACh-induced contractions. *P<0.05 vs. F/ACh; #P<0.05 vs. M/ACh + ML-7; $P<0.05 vs. F/ACh + ML-7. ACh, acetylcholine; GSMC, gastric smooth muscle cell; F, female; M, male.