FIG. 7.
Hydrothermal veinlet in fine-grained carbonaceous sediments from Josefsdal. (A) Optical micrograph showing a hydrothermal veinlet cross-cutting finely laminated, fine-grained sediments. (B) Raman map of the siderite distribution in the sediment and in the veinlet; brighter color indicates higher concentration. (C, D) Optical micrograph views of a siderite (FeCO3) and rhodochrosite (MnCO3) co-precipitate at the edge of the veinlet shown in (A). Red box in (C) shows location of detail in (D). Arrow in (D) points to the same location as the arrow in (E). (E) PIXE elemental maps (beam size: 2 μm; map size: 500 × 500 μm; resolution: 256 × 256 pixels; 11 h acquisition time) of area denoted by red box in (C) document concentrations of other elements associated with the siderite/rhodochrosite precipitation, including Mn, Sr, Ca, Ni, Cu, Ti, Cr, and Zn scavenged from the hydrothermal fluids.