Table 3.
Functional MRI measures of regional activation |
Magnitude of activation (beta contrast estimates) in iM1, cM1, iPMd, and cPMd |
Volume of activation in iM1, cM1, iPMd, and cPMd |
Measures of functional connectivity |
Functional connectivity between iM1 and cM1 |
Functional connectivity between iM1 and cPMd |
Functional connectivity between iM1 and iPMd |
DTI measure of white matter integrity within corticospinal tract |
Fractional anisotropy within ipsilesional cerebral peduncle |
Peri-infarct angiogenesis |
T2∗-weighted signal in infarct Rims of two different diameters |
M1: primary motor cortex; PMd: dorsal premotor cortex; i: ipsilesional; c: contralesional.