Fig. 2.
Schematic of raw data from 1 pregnant woman. A: 30 s of continuous data, including ECG (lead II), blood pressure, integrated sympathetic nerve activity (SNA), raw SNA, and the de-noised neurogram, indicating identified sympathetic action potentials. The star identifies a burst of interest. B: the sympathetic action potentials identified within the burst of interest. Numbers refer to the cluster to which each action potential belongs. C: all action potential clusters identified across the entire analysis for this individual (i.e., 100 bursts). Clusters have been organized based on peak-to-peak amplitude, and action potentials belonging to each cluster have been overlaid to represent the mean waveform. In this individual, 8 unique action potential clusters were active within the identified burst of interest, with 1 of the clusters firing twice with the burst and 7 firing only once.