NANOG antagonizes OTX2 to regulate neural patterning in hESCs.
A, QPCR analysis of the expression levels of OTX2 or GBX2 in undifferentiated H1 hESCs and two iPSCs. B, dual immunostaining of NANOG and OTX2 in untreated or SD- or SDC-treated hESCs. Scale bar = 50 μm. C, NANOG binding motifs (highlighted) in the proximal region of the human OTX2 promoter. Four pairs of primers to detect NANOG binding in the ChIP assay are shown. D, ChIP-QPCR assay to detect NANOG binding in the OTX2 gene region by the designed primer pairs. Goat IgG served as a negative control. E, schematic of the role of NANOG in fate decision during neural patterning in hESCs. ***, p < 0.001.