Figure 4.
Demarcation of the pho84 promoter. A, plasmid reporters of pho84 promoter, in which the pho1 ORF was fused to a genomic DNA segment containing nucleotides −1800 (or truncated variants as indicated) to +151 of the pho84 transcription unit. The −1800 construct includes the prt2 promoter; prt2 HomolD and TATA box mutations (as per Fig. 3) were made in the context of the −1800 pho84·pho1 reporter plasmid. B, acid phosphatase activity of [prt2-pho84-prt-pho1]Δ cells bearing the indicated pho84 promoter reporter plasmids. C, acid phosphatase activity of pho7+ and pho7Δ cells bearing the −1545 or −324 pho84 promoter reporters.