Time course of expression modification of S. cerevesiae
treated with NCS (50 μg/ml) at 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-h time points.
Only genes whose expression was enhanced or repressed by ≥2-fold are
shown, clustered hierarchically by using the genespring
software package. Rows are used for each time point, and columns for
individual genes. Color coding is used to represent the fold-change in
expression, as indicated within the Inset color bar, and
saturation of the degree of fluorescence signal intensity. Red
indicates genes with enhanced expression levels in the treated cells
relative to untreated controls, and green indicates genes with reduced
expression levels. In total, 1,288 genes exhibited modified mRNA
transcript levels (2-fold or more). Functional categories (nuclear and
cytosolic organization, respiration and mitochondrial organization, TCA
cycle genes, and DNA-damage repair genes) are those of the Munich
Information Center for Protein Sequences
(http://www.mips.biochem.mpg.de/). Genes identified that fall
within these categories are indicated by a solid black bar and provide
the following P values: nuclear and cytosolic
organization, P = 1.2 × 10−5;
respiration and mitochondrial organization, P =
1.4 × 10−22; TCA cycle, P =
6.1 × 10−14; DNA-damage repair,
P = 2.1 × 10−3 (P
values were calculated by using the genespring software
package). The highlighted section shows in detail a representative
hierarchical clustering of enhanced genes, these for DNA-damage