Table 2.
Alternative modeling scales for flexsurvspline, and equivalent distributions for m = 0 (with parameter definitions as in the R d functions referred to elsewhere in the paper).
Model | g(S(t, z)) | In flexsurvspline | With m = 0 |
Proportional hazards | log(− log(S(t, z))) (log cumulative hazard) |
scale = "hazard" | Weibull shape
γ1, scale exp(−γ0/γ1) |
Proportional odds | log(S(t, z)−1 − 1) (log cumulative odds) |
scale = "odds" | Log-logistic shape
γ1, scale exp(−γ0/γ1) |
Normal / probit |
Φ−1(S(t, z)) (inverse normal CDF, qnorm) |
scale = "normal" | Log-normal meanlog − γ0/γ1, sdlog 1/γ1 |