Myd88 requires Notch signaling to promote goblet cell fates. (A) Number of goblet cells in myd88 MO-injected WT and deltaD−/− larvae; n=22 (WT), 20 (WT+myd88 MO and deltaD−/−), 19 (deltaD−/−+myd88 MO). (B) Number of 2F11-positive secretory cells in myd88 MO-injected WT and ifabp:dn-rbpj larvae; n=18. (C) Schematic showing our model that the microbiota interacts with Myd88 to inhibit Notch signaling, which, in turn, inhibits intestinal secretory cell fate. Letters denote P<0.05, ANOVA followed by Tukey's post-hoc test. Each box represents the first to third quartiles, center bar the median, and whiskers the maximum and minimum of each dataset.