Figure 2.
Combined evaluation of TNFα release induced by 9 nm SiO2, 15 nm SiO2, 30 nm SiO2, and 55 nm SiO2 in the NR8383 AM assay. Purple dots: 9 nm SiO2; green: 15 nm SiO2; red: 30 nm SiO2; blue: 55 nm SiO2. TNFα release was plotted by (a) particle surface area–based effective concentration (calculated by ISDD model), (b) particle surface area–based nominal concentration, and (c) nominal particle mass–based concentration (µg/mL). Plots were created with GraphPad Prism 7 applying the Levenberg-Marquardt method for nonlinear regression. EC50 values (test material concentrations inducing 50% increase in TNFα release as compared to vehicle control) are expressed as logarithmic/nonlogarithmic values (with the same units as the respective x axes).