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. 2018 Mar 26;56(4):e01941-17. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01941-17


Sensitivities of the three diagnostic methodsa

Method % of positive samples (no./total) % sensitivity in comparison to Baermann (day 1 and 2) positive result (95% CI) (n = 69) % sensitivity in comparison to any positive test (95% CI) (n = 80)
Baermann, days 1 and 2 72.6 (69/95) 86.3 (76.7–92.9)*°
    Baermann, day 1 50.5 (48/95) 69.6 (57.3–80.0) 60.0 (48.4–70.8)*
    Baermann, day 2 53.7 (51/95) 74.0 (62.0–84.0) 63.8 (52.2–74.2)*
QIA 26.3 (25/95) 27.5 (17.5–39.6) 31.3 (21.3–42.6)*
POL 65.3 (62/95) 77.0 (65.1–86.1) 77.5 (77.0–86.0)*°

Sensitivity was estimated on the basis of Baermann (collected on 2 days) method positivity and positivity detected by both the Baermann method (days 1 and 2) and PCR. *, statistically significant difference between the Baermann method (days 1 and 2 together and days 1 and 2 separately and QIA and between POL and the Baermann method (days 1 and 2) and the QIA method (P < 0.05); °, no statistically significant difference between the Baermann method (days 1 and 2) and the POL method (P > 0.05).