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. 2017 Dec 12;61(6):733–749. doi: 10.1042/EBC20170055

Table 2. Beneficial effects of the chemical inducers of autophagy in models of lysosomal storage disorders.

Autophagy inducer Mechanism of autophagy induction LSD Beneficial effects in LSD models
Rapamycin [42] Inhibition of mTORC1 [42] NPC1 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in mutant Npc1 MEFs [73], mouse neurons with Npc1 knockdown [73] and NPC1 patient iPSC-derived neuronal and hepatic cells [74]
NPB Reduction in mitochondrial ROS and lipid droplets, and induction of lysosomal exocytosis in NPB patient B lymphocytes [148]
PD Reduction in muscle glycogen in Gaa-deficient mice when treated together with recombinant human GAA [167]; Improved autophagic flux and GAA maturation in Pompe disease patient myotubes [117]
GD Improvement in lifespan and locomotor activity in GD Drosophila model [97]
Trehalose [44] Inhibition of SLC2A glucose transporters [145]; Activation of TFEB by Akt inhibition [144] NPC1 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in NPC1 patient iPSC-derived neurons [74]
CLN3 Clearance of ceroid lipopigment deposits in CLN3 patient fibroblasts, and attenuation of neuropathology and extension of lifespan in Cln3-deficient mice [144]
Carbamazepine [35] Reduction in inositol and IP3 levels [35] NPC1 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in NPC1 patient iPSC-derived neurons and hepatic cells [74]
Lithium [35] Inhibition of IMPase and reduction in inositol and IP3 levels [35] NPC1 Rescue of autophagic flux in mutant Npc1 MEFs [73]
CLN3 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in mutant Cln3 cerebellar cells [146]
L-690,330 [35] Inhibition of IMPase and reduction in inositol and IP3 levels [35] CLN3 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in mutant Cln3 cerebellar cells [146]
Verapamil [36] Inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channel and reduction in cytosolic Ca2+ [36] NPC1 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in NPC1 patient iPSC-derived neurons [74]
BRD2716, BRD5631, BRD34009 [142] Unknown NPC1 Rescue of autophagic flux and improvement in cell viability in NPC1 patient iPSC-derived neurons [142]

Abbreviations: CLN, ceroid lipofuscinosis neuronal disease; GD, Gaucher disease; IMPase, inositol monophosphatase; IP3, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate; iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cells; LSD, lysosomal storage disorder; mTORC1, mechanistic target of rapamycin complex I; NPB, Niemann–Pick type B disease; NPC1, Niemann–Pick type C1 disease; PD, Pompe disease; SLC2A, Solute carrier 2A; TFEB, Transcription factor EB.