Population sizes |
Neuron densities of areas with missing data equal the mean neuron density for areas of the same architectural type. |
Neuron density varies systematically with architectural type |
Population sizes |
Areas MIP and MDP have architectural type 5 |
Their neighboring area PO, similarly involved in visual reaching (Johnson et al. 1996; Galletti et al. 2003), is of type 5 (Hilgetag et al. 2016) |
Population sizes |
Total thickness and relative laminar thicknesses for areas with missing data are linearly predicted from the logarithm of their overall neuron density |
This follows observed gradients. The increase in relative L4 thickness with log neuron density is consistent with L4 thickness entering into the definition of the architectural types |
Population sizes |
The fraction of excitatory neurons in each layer is identical across areas |
This provides a simple rule across areas, for lack of systematic area-specific data |
Beaulieu et al. (1992) report similar values for layer-specific fractions of inhibitory neurons in macaque V1. Gabbott and Bacon (1996) report layer-specific fractions of inhibitory neurons in macaque medial prefrontal cortex differing from the values of Beaulieu et al. (1992) |
Local connectivity |
We assume an underlying Gaussian model for the local connection probability |
This ansatz provides consistency with the derivations of Potjans and Diesmann (2014) |
Markov et al. (2011) report an exponential decay of locally labeled neurons with distance from the injection site. With assumptions on cell density, this enables deriving a non-Gaussian distance-dependent connection probability |
Local connectivity |
Population pairs have the same relative indegrees as in the model of Potjans and Diesmann (2014) |
This follows the notion of a canonical microcircuit (Douglas et al. 1989; Douglas and Martin 2004), for lack of comprehensive species- and area-specific data |
Beul and Hilgetag (2015) suggest a canonical microcircuit for agranular cortical areas, which in our model includes area TH |
Local connectivity |
The relative amount of local synapses is constant across areas |
The fraction of labeled neurons intrinsic to the injected area found by retrograde tracing is approximately constant |
Long-range connectivity |
All cortico-cortical connections originate and terminate in the patches covered by our model |
Since we do not explicitly include spatial dependence of connections, we opt for a simple model for cortico-cortical connections |
Cortico-cortical connections exhibit divergence and convergence (Colby et al. 1988; Salin et al. 1989; Gattass et al. 1997; Markov et al. 2014b) |
Long-range connectivity |
All cortico-cortical connections are excitatory |
This simplification approximates the finding that the large majority of cortico-cortical projections are excitatory |
A small fraction of cortico-cortical connections in monkey (Tomioka and Rockland 2007) and other species (McDonald and Burkhalter 1993; Gonchar et al. 1995; Fabri and Manzoni 1996, 2004; Tomioka et al. 2005; Pinto et al. 2006; Higo et al. 2007) are inhibitory |
Long-range connectivity |
Neurons in all source areas form the same number of synapses in each target area |
This assumption allows us to directly translate FLN into synapse numbers |
There is evidence that numbers of cortico-cortical synapses per neuron differ between feedback and feedforward connections (Rockland 2003) |
Long-range connectivity |
The probability for a postsynaptic neuron to form a cortico-cortical synapse in a specific layer is constant across areas. |
For lack of data in areas besides V1, we take the computed values from the Binzegger et al. (2004) data as representative across the model |
Long-range connectivity |
The probability for a synapse to be established on a neuron of a given type is proportional to the length of the dendrites of the neuron type in the given layer |
This heuristic is a version of Peters’s rule, which has been shown to have reasonably wide validity at the population level (Rees et al. 2016) |
Long-range connectivity |
The relative number of synapses sent by supragranular neurons is filled in based on the logarithmic ratio of overall cell densities in the two participating areas |
This follows the observed relation between SLN and the log ratio of overall cell densities in combination with interpreting ratios of labeled neurons as ratios of formed synapses |
Long-range connectivity |
The level of SLN predicts the type of laminar termination pattern |
This follows the observed relation between SLN and termination pattern |
Long-range connectivity |
Feedforward and feedback pathways are not separate within layers: individual neurons can send both types of connections |
This heuristic is used to avoid the added complexity that would result from further subdivisions of the neural populations |
A finer definition of laminar pathways may be achieved via a dual counterstream organization (Markov et al. 2014b) |