The structure of LuxS. (A) A stereodrawing of the
monomer fold, oriented to show the topology of the sheet and the
zinc-binding site. The assignments of residues to various secondary
structures are shown in C. Zn is represented as a large
sphere, and the protein ligands, His-54, His-58, and Cys-126, are drawn
in ball-and-stick mode. The crystallographic 2-fold axis relating the
monomer units is approximately vertical in this view. A
and panel B were composed with the
RIBBONS program (32). (B) The dimer of
LuxS in two orientations, viewed down the 2-fold axis
(Left) and perpendicular to the 2-fold axis
(Right). The helices are labeled and sheet strands are
numbered according to their order in the sequence. (C)
Sequence alignments of LuxS proteins from selected organisms. Five
representatives of the 26 sequences used for alignment are included
here. Residues that are invariant in all 26 sequences are labeled in
boldface; those that are conserved in at least 80% of the sequences
are highlighted in gray. Metal ligands are denoted with circles, and
oxidized cysteine is indicated by a triangle.