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. 2016 May 13;1:e8. doi: 10.1017/gheg.2016.2

Table 1.

Characteristics of participants with and without diabetes by setting

Setting Government Private Rural
With DM Without DM With DM Without DM With DM Without DM
Sample size 206 122 200 92 200 142
Age in years 53.7 (10.8) 53.3 (13.1) 55.4 (11.2) 52.3 (13.7) 54.0 (11.1) 49.2 (15.8)
% male 44 38 65 61 62 54
Household size 3.92 (1.8) 3.96 (1.8) 4.23 (1.8) 3.79 (1.5) 4.66 (2.2) 3.74 (1.7)
Education of respondent (%)
 1 78.6 63.6 31 13 56.5 90.1
 2 20.9 33.1 35 32.6 33 7.7
 3 0.5 1.7 23.5 40.2 3 2.1
 4 0.0 1.7 10.5 14.1 7.5 0.0
Education of head of household (%)
 1 70.9 49.2 25.5 7.6 42.5 85.2
 2 27.7 47.5 37.5 29.3 42.5 12.7
 3 1 2.5 23 43.5 5.5 1.4
 4 0.5 0.8 14 19.6 9.5 0.7
Median annual income in INR (IQR) [USD] 48 000 (48 000) [$1 043.5] 53 000 (24 000) [$1 152.2] 150 000 (286 500) [$3 260.9] 240 000 (399 000) [$5 217.4] 60 000 (84 000) [$1 304.3] 42 000 (30 000) [$913.0]

Data are presented as means (standard deviation) unless otherwise stated.

Bold text signifies p < 0.05; DM, diabetes mellitus; IQR, inter-quartile range.

Education scale: 1 = primary school or less completed, 2 = primary to higher secondary education completed, 3 = technical or graduate degree, 4 = post-graduate degree.

1 USD = 46.00 INR.