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. 2017 Apr 13;33(16):2513–2522. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx215

Table 3.

The 45 SNPs selected from the Bayesian model along with corresponding phenotypes where (L), (R) and (L,R) denote that the phenotypes are on the left, right and both hemispheres, respectively

SNP Gene Phenotype ID (hemisphere)
rs4305 ACE LatVent (R)
rs4311 ACE InfParietal (L,R), MeanPar (L,R), Precuneus (L,R), SupParietal (L), SupTemporal (L), CerebCtx (R),MeanFront (R),
MeanSensMotor (R), MeanTemp (R), Postcentral (R), PostCing (R), Precentral (R), SupFrontal (R), SupParietal (R)
rs405509 APOE AmygVol (L), CerebWM (L), Fusiform (L), HippVol (L), InfParietal (L,R),SupFrontal (L,R), Supramarg (L,R),
InfTemporal (L), MeanFront (L,R), MeanLatTemp (L,R), MeanMedTemp (L,R), MeanPar (L,R),
MeanSensMotor (L,R), MeanTemp (L,R), MidTemporal (L,R), Postcentral (L,R), Precuneus (L,R)
SupTemporal (L,R), Precentral (R), SupParietal (R)
rs11191692 CALHM1 EntCtx (L)
rs3811450 CHRNB2 Precuneus (R)
rs9314349 CLU Parahipp (L)
rs2025935 CR1 CerebWM (R), Fusiform (R), InfLatVent (R)
rs11141918 DAPK1 CerebCtx (R)
rs1473180 DAPK1 CerebCtx (L,R),EntCtx (L), Fusiform (L), MeanMedTemp (L), MeanTemp (L), PostCing (L)
rs17399090 DAPK1 MeanCing (R), PostCing (R)
rs3095747 DAPK1 InfLatVent (R)
rs3118846 DAPK1 InfParietal (R)
rs3124237 DAPK1 PostCing (R), Precuneus (R), SupFrontal (R)
rs4878117 DAPK1 MeanSensMotor (R), Postcentral (R)
rs212539 ECE1 PostCing (R)
rs6584307 ENTPD7 Parahipp (L)
rs11601726 GAB2 CerebWM (L), LatVent (L)
rs16924159 IL33 MeanCing (L), PostCing (L), CerebWM (R)
rs928413 IL33 InfLatVent (R)
rs1433099 LDLR CerebCtx.adj (L), Precuneus (L,R)
rs2569537 LDLR CerebWM (L,R)
rs12209631 NEDD9 CerebCtx (L), HippVol (L,R)
rs1475345 NEDD9 Parahipp (L)
rs17496723 NEDD9 Supramarg (L)
rs2327389 NEDD9 AmygVol (L)
rs744970 NEDD9 MeanFront (L), SupFrontal (L)
rs7938033 PICALM EntCtx (R), HippVol (R)
rs2756271 PRNP EntCtx (L), HippVol (L,R), InfTemporal (L), Parahipp (L)
rs6107516 PRNP MidTemporal (L,R)
rs1023024 SORCS1 MeanSensMotor (L), Precentral (L)
rs10787010 SORCS1 AmygVol (L), EntCtx (L,R), Fusiform (L), HippVol (L,R), InfLatVent (L), InfTemporal (L), MeanFront (L),
MeanMedTemp (L,R), MeanTemp (L), Precentral (L), TemporalPole (R)
rs10787011 SORCS1 EntCtx (L,R), HippVol(R)
rs12248379 SORCS1 PostCing (R)
rs1269918 SORCS1 CerebCtx (L), CerebWM (L), InfLatVent (L)
rs1556758 SORCS1 SupParietal (L)
rs2149196 SORCS1 MeanSensMotor (L), Postcentral (L,R)
rs2418811 SORCS1 CerebWM (L,R), InfLatVent.adj (L)
rs10502262 SORL1 MeanCing (L), InfTemporal (R), Supramarg (R)
rs1699102 SORL1 MeanMedTemp (R), MeanTemp (R)
rs1699105 SORL1 MeanCing (L), Precuneus (L)
rs4935774 SORL1 CerebWM (L,R)
rs666004 SORL1 InfTemporal (L)
rs1568400 THRA Precentral (L), TemporalPole (R)
rs3744805 THRA MeanSensMotor (R), Postcentral (R), Precentral (R)
rs7219773 TNK1 MeanSensMotor (L), Precentral (L), Postcentral (R)

SNPs also ranked among the top 45 using the Wang et al. (2012) estimate are listed in bold.