Table 2.
Respondents (N = 128), n (%) | |
Have you personally used any Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for your own health in the past 5 years? | |
No | 70 (54.7) |
Yes, please specify | 58 (45.3) |
If female, did you ever use CAM during a pregnancy? | |
Male/never been pregnant | 82 (64.1) |
No | 30 (23.4) |
Yes, please specify | 12 (9.4) |
Have you received any training beyond medical school or residency on the use of CAM (ie, yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnotherapy, etc)? | |
No | 113 (88.3) |
Yes, please specify | 15 (11.7) |
Do you routinely query your pregnant patients about their use of CAM during the pregnancy? | |
No | 84 (65.6) |
Yes | 43 (33.6) |
Have you ever prescribed, referred, or advised the use of any CAM to your pregnant patients? | |
No | |
Please indicate the reason for not using CAM (check all that apply): | 49 (38.3) |
Not enough evidence on the efficacy of CAM during pregnancy | 24 (18.8) |
Not enough evidence on the safety of CAM during pregnancy | 13 (10.2) |
No training in the use of CAM during pregnancy | 25 (19.5) |
Bad patient experience with previous CAM use during pregnancy | 2 (1.6) |
Conventional medicine is sufficient for the management of pregnancy | 5 (3.9) |
Other | 3 (2.3) |
Yes | |
What sources of information do you use to find out about CAM use in pregnancy? (check all that apply): | 79 (61.7) |
ACOG resources | 35 (27.3) |
Peer reviewed journal articles | 33 (25.8) |
Professional colleagues | 45 (35.2) |
Personal experience | 32 (25.0) |
Family and friends | 9 (7.0) |
CAM providers | 21 (16.4) |
Magazines/television | 3 (2.3) |
Internet (nonmedical sites) | 8 (6.3) |
Others | 4 (3.1) |
Abbreviation: ACOG, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
aTotal N may vary due to the possibility of multiple answers and all respondents did not answer all questions.