Table 2.
Final Coding Scheme.
Theme | Subtheme | Illustrative Quotation(s) |
1. Enhanced present moment awareness | Deliberate focus of attention or awareness on the present moment physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral states | “I am more aware of personal breathing, sitting, posture, moment to moment.” |
“I am more aware of negative behaviors. I notice them earlier.” | ||
Increased ability to remember to return to the present moment | “I can leave past and future and live in the present.” | |
2. Increased Nonreactivity | General improvement in responding to symptoms | “Symptoms have not changed but my response to them as changed. Most notable change is the process of dealing with them.” |
Newly developed spaciousness to pause, or an ability to “step back” from internal or external stimuli | “I am able to step back, calm down, not enrage as would have been the case before.” | |
3. Enhanced Nonjudgmental Awareness | “I am able to acknowledge my thoughts and put them at ease.” | |
4. Decreased physiological arousal and stress reactivity | Decrease in hypervigilance/hyperarousal | “[I have] less amplified triggers, feeling less nervous, more calm, and more comfortable in general.” |
Reduced anger and irritability | “Anger management and road rage [has improved]. [I] don’t get anger as often and it is easier to cool down.” | |
Enhanced sleep | “I have not had as many bad dreams. I am sleeping better.” | |
5. Increased employment of active coping skills | “I do the breathing exercises if I feel crowded and I can think more clearly than I did before to handle the situation.” | |
6. Greater relaxation | “I am more calm and relaxed.” |