Table 1.
Topical Remedies for Different Wounds From Reports of Traditional Persian Medicine.
Family | Scientific Name | Traditional Name | Part Used |
Amaranthaceae | Beta vulgaris L | Selgh | Root |
Amaryllidaceae | Allium porrum L | Koras | Leaf |
Anacardiaceae | Rhus coriaria L | Somagh | Fruit |
Apiaceae | Opopanax chironium WDJ Koch | Javsheir | Aerial part |
Prangos ferulacea (L) Lindl | Jaavosheir | Aerial part | |
Coriandrum sativum L | Kozbore | Leaf, Seed | |
Araceae | Arisarum vulgare O Targ Tozz | Loaf | Leaf, Seed |
Arecaceae | Phoenix dactylifera L | Tamr | Fruit |
Cocos nucifera L | Nargil | Fruit | |
Aristolochiaceae | Aristolochia rotunda L | Zaravand | Root |
Asparagaceae | Ornithogalum narbonense L | Ashraas | Seed |
Asteraceae | Carlina gummifera (L) Less | Eshkheis | Leaf |
Arctium tomentosum Mill | Argheitoun | Leaf | |
Tanacetum parthenium (L) Sch Bip | Oghhovan | Aerial part | |
Heracleum persicum Desf ex Fischer | Safeidoulion | Flower | |
Boraginaceae | Arnebia afghanica (Kitam) Rech f and Riedl | Abokhalsa | Flower |
Brassicaceae | Raphanus sativus L | Fojl | Leaf, Seed |
Burseraceae | Boswellia sacra Flueck | Kondor | Exudate |
Commiphora mukul (Hook ex Stocks) Engl | Maghal | Exudate | |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea nil (L) Roth | Habb-ol-nil | Seed |
Crassulaceae | Sempervivum tectorum L | Abroan | Flower |
Cupressaceae | Juniperus sabina L | Abhol | Fruit, Leaf |
Fabaceae | Lupinus aberrans C P Sm | Termes | Seed |
Calicotome spinosa (L) Link | Darshishaan | Fruit | |
Senna alexandrina Mill | Sana maki | Leaf | |
Vicia ervilia (L) Willd | Karasne | Leaf, Seed | |
Lablab purpureus (L) Sweet | Lablab | Leaf | |
Baptisia tinctoria (L) Vent | Neil | Leaf | |
Lathyrus aphaca L | Banghe | Seed | |
Fagaceae | Quercus ilex L | Baloot | Fruit, Leaf |
Quercus lusitanica Lam | Afs | Fruit | |
Gentianaceae | Gentiana lutea L | Jentiana | Leaf, Root |
Iridaceae | Crocus sativus L | Zaferan | Flower |
Juglandaceae | Juglans regia L | Jowz | Seed (Juice) |
Lamiaceae | Teucrium polium L | Joode | Aerial part |
Teucrium chamaedrys L | Komazairoos | Aerial part | |
Ajuga chamaepitys (L) Schreb | Komafeytoos | Flower, Leaf | |
Lauraceae | Cinnamomum camphora (L) J Presl | Kafour | Leaf |
Liliaceae | Lilium candidum L | Soosan | Root |
Loranthaceae | Loranthus europaeus Jacq | Debgh | Seed |
Lythraceae | Punica granatum L | Romman | Fruit |
Moraceae | Morus alba L | Toot | Fruit |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis acetosella L | Hammaz | Leaf, Root |
Pinaceae | Pinus albicaulis Engelm | Sanoubar | Leaf |
Plantaginaceae | Plantago major L | Lesan-ol-hamal | Leaf, Flower |
Polygonaceae | Polygonum aviculare L | Asioraie | Leaf |
Potamogetonaceae | Potamogeton natans L | Jaronahr | Leaf |
Primulaceae | Anagallis arvensis L | Anaghalis | Leaf |
Pteridaceae | Adiantum capillus-veneris L | Barsiavashan | Aerial part |
Ranunculaceae | Thalictrum acutifolium (Hand-Mazz) B Boivin | Piaranga | Root |
Aconitum ferox Wall ex Ser | Beesh | Root | |
Ranunculus arvensis L | Kafolhar | Leaf, Flower | |
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus jujuba Mill | Onnab | Leaf |
Rosaceae | Potentilla reptans L | Bentaafalon | Leaf |
Salicaceae | Salix babylonica L | Gharab | Leaf, Flower |
Smilacaceae | Smilax china L | Choob-e-chini | Leaf, Root |
Smilax glauca Walter | Oshbe maghrebie | Leaf, Flower | |
Solanaceae | Lycium afrum L | Osaj | Root |
Nicotiana tabacum L | Tanbako | Leaf | |
Physalis alkekengi L | Kakanj | Fruit | |
Solanum americanum Mill | Enab-ol-saalab | Leaf, Fruit | |
Verbenaceae | Verbena supina L | Ayaranootani | Leaf |
Verbena officinalis L | Alhamam | Leaf | |
Xanthorrhoeaceae | Asphodelus ramosus L | Khonsa | Root |
Aloe vera (L.) Burm f | Sebr | Leaf exudate |