Degree of shift in oxygen equilibra (ΔP50) by test compounds. Aliquot samples from hemolysates were subjected to hemoximetry analysis using the Hemox Analyzer (TCS Scientific Corp.) to assess change in P50 (ΔP50), relative to the untreated control samples. In accordance with observations on the levels of Hb modification, both ester and alkyl ether derivatives showed similar or slight improvements of P50 shift over 5-HMF (a,b). The aryl ether 5-PMFC showed better P50 shift than 5-HMF, while the other two aryl ethers 5-NMFC and 5-CMFC showed lower degrees of shift than 5-HMF (c). ΔP50 values were calculated by normalizing to untreated control samples. Data reported are mean values and standard deviations, from three replicate experiments.