Experimental schema depicts that SCID mice (n=90) were injected with CLL TCL1-192 on day 0 then divided into 6 groups (n=15). On day 7 and/or day 14, the indicated groups received vehicle (Veh), acalabrutinib (Acala), and/or venetoclax (Veneto). (A–B) On day 35, 2 SCID (naïve, G) mice, and 5 mice from each treatment group were sacrificed. Peripheral blood was drawn and white blood cells (WBC; A) and lymphocytes (B) counts were assessed with an automated counter. (C) Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis of the 10 remaining mice for each group. Veh, vehicle; Acala, acalabrutinib; Veneto, venetoclax. *P < 0.05 compared to vehicle.