Figure 1.
Differences between severity groups given by 6 radiomic features. In the boxplots, HNS = healthy non-smokers, Mild = mild COPD patients, Mod = moderate COPD patients and HS = healthy smokers. The + signs denote outliers. The 6 radiomic features studied are (A) upwards complexity (see Methods for details), (B) bronchial tree length, (C) emphysema score (as percentage of low attenuation area), (D) volume of the airways (computed as the number of voxels inside the grey airway structure in Fig. 4A), (E) upwards complexity divided by participant’s height, (F) bronchial tree length divided by participant’s height. The combination of radiomic features A and B can distinguish all groups except for HS from HNS or from Mild, which outperforms the combination of methods C and D.