Figure 5.
Ductility and failure of MGs under different loading conditions at room temperature (far below Tg). (a) A typical tensile fracture in which the plastic deformation is severely localized within a narrow single band and the MG exhibit almost no tensile ductility. Approximately 2% of the elastic elongation is observed. The inset shows the result of catastrophic failure of an MG sample upon tensile loading via the formation of a single shear band aligned at about 45° with respect to the loading direction; (b) in contrast with the brittle-like style of stress-strain curve shown in (a); the fracture surfaces of MGs display a typical vein morphology typical of “ductile” fractures; (c) bending loading test of MG samples, showing extensive bending ductility for different compositions; and (d) a prototypical Zr-based BMG sample could exhibit an extensive plastic deformation via multiple shear banding in bending tests. Regardless of overall observed ductility in (c); the plastic deformation in this case is still severely inhomogeneous (Adapted with permission [11]).