Critical CLR members associated with fungal PAMPs. CLR members Dectin-1 and Dectin-3 have been described as being dispensable during cryptococcal infections and are not required for recognition of Cryptococcus (X) in murine studies. Dectin-2 deficiency resulted in mice being skewed towards a debilitating Th2-type response. Multiple CRD-containing CLRs, such as DC-SIGN and CD209, recognize mannosylated mannoproteins, and the mannose receptor (MR) recognizes mannose and chitin. These receptors induce pro-inflammatory mediators in a ITAM independent manner (gray dashed lines). The Mincle receptor is poorly characterized during cryptococcosis and Mincle’s cryptococcal ligand continues to be elucidated (??). CLR signal transduction can utilize the ITAM sequence present in FcγRs. ITAM activation phosphorylation activates Syk, which can then directly (solid blue line) or indirectly (dashed blue lines) activate the adaptor molecule complex comprised of CARD9, MALT1 and BCL10. This complex can directly induce pro-inflammatory mediators (solid blue line).