Table 4.
Average values for analysis of variance (ANOVA) showing the effect of TaqMan, KASP and rhAmp assays on quantitative metrics
Assay | Call rate | No template control (NTC) location | Cluster to NTC distance | Cluster angle separation | Cluster spread |
TaqMan | 0.970a | 0.85a | 2.09b | 43.96a | 0.18b |
KASP | 0.976a | 0.14b | 1.72c | 42.95a | 0.16b |
rhAmp | 0.981a | 0.86a | 4.73a | 41.73a | 0.10a |
Different letters means significant difference at P < 0.05 according to Fisher’s Protected Least Significant Difference. No template control (NTC) location is the mean of four NTC reactions