Table 2.
Title (assigned number) | Origin | Org. | # pages | # words | Read levela | Cat. | Real pictures | Color | Dev. Score |
Your Conversation Starter Kit (1) | USA | IHI | 10 | 1977 | 5.5 | AO | ✔ | 0 | |
Consumer’s Tool Kit for Health Care Advance Planning (2) | USA | ABA | 26 | 7362 | 8.4 | AO | ✔ | 1 | |
Your Life Your Choices (3) | USA | VA | 53 | 18,937 | 5.5 | AO | ✔ | 1 | |
Planning for Future Health Care Decisions My Way (4) | USA | VA | 78 | 19,122 | 7.1 | AO | ✔ | ✔ | 1 |
Caring Conversations: Making Your Healthcare Wishes Known (5) | USA | CPB | 16 | 6210 | 9.4 | AO | ✔ | ✔ | 2 |
How to Talk to Your Doctor (6) | USA | IHI | 9 | 2314 | 7.5 | SA | ✔ | ✔ | 0 |
10 Conversations to Plan for Aging with Dignity & Independence (7) | USA | TSF | 7 | 1917 | 10.4 | SA | ✔ | ✔ | 1 |
Advance Care Planning (8) | USA | HFSA | 28 | 2574 | 11.7 | SA | ✔ | ✔ | 1 |
Five Wishes (9) | USA | AD | 11 | 1212 | 7.4 | SA | ✔ | 1 | |
The Medical Directive (10) | USA | Res | 7 | 2494 | 8.8 | SA | 1 | ||
Looking Ahead: Choices for Medical Care When You’re Seriously Ill (11) | USA | IMDF | 59 | 13,703 | 8.4 | In | ✔ | 1 | |
If Talking Is So Important Why Is It So Hard? (12) | USA | NHPCO | 12 | 4948 | 6.8 | In | ✔ | ✔ | 1 |
Living Will (13) | CA | – | 24 | 10,005 | 10.9 | In | 1 | ||
End-of-Life Decisions (14) | USA | CC | 23 | 8103 | 10.5 | In | ✔ | 0 | |
Advance Directive: Planning Ahead (15) | USA | KP | 6 | 1501 | 9.2 | In | ✔ | ✔ | 0 |
aFlesh-Kincaid Grade Level, Org Organization that produced video, USA United States of America, Can Canada, Cat Category AO: action oriented, SA Semi-action oriented, In informative, IHI Institute for Healthcare Improvement, ABA American Bar Association, VA Department of Veteran Affairs, CPB Center for Practical Bioethics, IHI Institute for Healthcare Improvement, TSF The Scan Foundation, HFSA Heart Failure Society of America, AD Aging with Dignity, IMDF Informed Medical Decision Foundation, CC Caring Connection, KP Kaiser Permanente, Dev score Development process score according to one component of IPDAS checklist