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. 2018 Mar 27;18:352. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4223-y

Table 7.

Summary of cost and benefit in the additional scenario analysis

Independent model with parametric fittinga
  PemCis 76,679 1.54 2.38 0.66
  Afatinib 92,486 1.66 2.55 1.10 129,416
  PemCis 73,775 1.53 2.37 0.71
  Afatinib 92,507 1.66 2.55 1.18 143,658
  PemCis 76,851 1.57 2.43 0.70
  Afatinib 94,966 1.72 2.61 1.32 126,202
  PemCis 76,046 1.57 2.43 0.73
  Afatinib 94,764 1.71 2.60 1.34 133,627
Pricing scenariob
 10% reduction
  PemCis 75,682 1.58 2.45 0.68
  Afatinib 89,880 1.69 2.59 1.18 128,348
 20% reduction
  PemCis 72,632 1.58 2.45 0.68
  Afatinib 85,802 1.69 2.59 1.18 119,048
 30% reduction
  PemCis 69,583 1.58 2.45 0.68
  Afatinib 81,724 1.69 2.59 1.18 109,747
 40% reduction
  PemCis 66,534 1.58 2.45 0.68
  Afatinib 77,646 1.69 2.59 1.18 100,447
 50% reduction
  PemCis 63,485 1.58 2.45 0.68
  Afatinib 73,568 1.69 2.59 1.18 91,147

ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, QALY quality-adjusted life year, LY life year, PFLY progression-free life year, PemCis pemetrexed-cisplatin

aProgression-free and overall survival curves of both intervention arms extrapolated from Kaplan-Meier data from trial, with parametric curve fitting from time = 0 to tail-end

bPricing scenario with various discounting on the cost of afatinib. Afatinib was modelled in the first-line for the afatinib arm, and post-progression (second-line) for the PemCis arm, therefore the total cost of both arms reduced as a result of the reduction in selling price of afatinib