Figure 2.
Induction of mitotic recombination and identification of germ-line clones. (a–d) vasa:lacZ marker, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylβ-d-galactoside (X-Gal) stains were performed by using a standard protocol and were mounted in glycerol. (e–g) ovoD1 marker. (a) Wild-type adult female ovariole. (b) vas:lacZ/+ ovariole, X-Gal stain. All cells are positive for β-galactosidase activity. Control (n = 100) FLP/+; vas:lacZ FRT39E/FRT39E ovaries not heat shocked were identical to the one shown. (c and d) FLP/+; vas:lacZ FRT39E/FRT39E ovarioles containing +/+ recombinant germ cells. Arrowheads indicate egg chambers derived from recombinant cells. (e) Wild-type adult ovaries. (f) ovoD1/+ ovaries are atrophied and do not contain vitellogenic egg chambers. (g) FLP/+; ovoD1 FRT79/FRT79 ovary after heat shock, containing all recombinant germ cells that give rise to functional ovarioles containing all stages of oogenesis and mature eggs (arrowhead). (a–d) Anterior is to the right; (e–g) anterior is up. a–d and e–g were taken at the same magnification.