Table III.
Number | Item description | Variable name | Score type |
A. | Metadata | ||
1 | Subject ID | $id | |
2 | Age, y | $age_year | |
3 | Age, mo | $age_month | |
4 | Interviewer | $interviewer | |
5 | Timestamp | $ts | |
B. | Ambulation | ||
1 | Can crawl or roll to get around room | $crawls | 2 |
2 | Can walk independently for at least 6 feet without holding onto anything or another person (ie, wall or furniture or another person) | $walks | 2 |
3 | Can run independently for at least 6 feet without needing to hold onto anything | $runs | 2 |
4 | Trips and/or falls | $falls | 1 |
5 | Comments | $ambulation_comments | |
C. | Autonomic nervous system | ||
1 | Tachycardia | $tachycardia | 1 |
2 | Hypertension | $hypertension | 1 |
3 | Edema of extremities | $edema | 1 |
4 | Bradycardia | $bradycardia | 1 |
5 | Hypotension | $hypotension | 1 |
6 | Constipation | $constipation | 1 |
7 | Aspiration | $aspiration | 1 |
8 | Absent sphincter control | $absent_sphincter | 1 |
9 | Gastroesophageal reflux | $gerd | 1 |
10 | Vomiting | $vomiting | 1 |
11 | Hyperthermia | $hyperthermia | 1 |
12 | Hypothermia | $hypothermia | 1 |
13 | Comments | $ans_comments | 1 |
D. | Awareness of self and environment | ||
1 | Turns toward any sound or noise | $turns_sound | 2 |
2 | Turns head toward parent/caregiver when hearing parent/caregiver's voice | $turns_head_parent | 2 |
3 | Responds to his/her own name when spoken | $responds_name | 2 |
4 | Cries/fusses when hungry or wet | $cries_hungry_wet | 2 |
5 | Comments | $awareness_comments | |
E. | Breathing | ||
1 | Intermittent overbreathing/hyperventilation | $overbreathing | 1 |
2 | Breathing dysrhythmia/mixed hypeventilation/hypoventilation | $breathing_dysrhythmia | 1 |
3 | Hypoventilation | $hypoventilation | 1 |
4 | Comments | $breathing_comments | |
F. | Fine motor | ||
1 | Moves small objects (ie, a toy block or Lego) from one hand to the other | $moves_obj_hands | 2 |
2 | Swallows food without choking (ie, cooked vegetables, chopped meats) | $swallows_no_choking | 2 |
3 | Drinks from a cup or glass (may spill), holding cup to mouth, can be a sippy cup | $drinks_cup | 2 |
4 | Able to use a utensil or tool appropriately (ie, spoon, toy hammer, toothbrush, hairbrush) | $uses_utensil | 2 |
5 | Takes off clothing that opens in the front (ie, coat) by undoing a zipper or buttons | $removes_clothing | 2 |
6 | Picks up small object with thumb and fingers (ie, toy block or Lego) | $pincer_grasp | 2 |
7 | Comments | $fm_comments | |
G. | Food behavior | ||
1 | Able to feed self if food is placed in front of child | $feeds_self | 2 |
2 | Eats nonfood items (pica) | $pica | 1 |
3 | Anorexia/refusal to eat/not interested in eating. For example, turns head away when food is offered, does not eat food placed in front of him/her if able to feed self, spits food out, does not cry/fuss at times when you would expect child to be hungry | $anorexia | 1 |
4 | Hyperphagia/overeating/obsessed with food. (ie, does not ever seem to get full, complains of being hungry or fusses as if hungry even if has recently eaten what should be a sufficient amount, sneaks extra food. | $hyperphagia | 1 |
5 | Comments | $feeding_comments | |
H. | Language (expressive) | ||
1 | Makes sounds or gestures when wants activity to stop or to keep going (ie, crying, grunting, reaching, pushing item away) | $makes_sounds_stop_go | 2 |
2 | Makes nonword baby sounds (babbling) | $babbles | 2 |
3 | Says “da-da,” “ma-ma,” or another consistent or recognizable name for parent/caregiver (even if a nickname) that is clearly directed at a specific person, and is not general babbling OR uses sign language that means the same | $names_caregiver | 2 |
4 | Repeats or tries to repeat common words immediately after hearing them (does not have to be fully intelligible) OR uses sign language that means the same | $repeats_words | 2 |
5 | Names at least 3 common objects that s/he is familiar with (ie, cat, toy) OR uses sign language that means the same | $names_3_obj | 2 |
6 | Makes one-word requests such as “up,” “give,” “no,” or “mine” OR uses sign language that means the same | $one_word_request | 2 |
7 | States own first name spontaneously or when asked directly “What's your name?” or when pointed to and asked “Who's this?” Does not have to be pronounced clearly OR uses sign language that means the same | $says_name | 2 |
8 | Says at least 50 recognizable words that can be understood by someone who knows the child and is familiar with his/her speech patterns OR uses sign language that means the same | $says_50_words | 2 |
9 | Comments | $lang_expr_comments | |
I. | Language (receptive) | ||
1 | Responds to spoken request (ie, “Give me the toy please” or “Where is your nose?”) | $responds_request | 2 |
2 | Demonstrates understanding of the word “no,” or a word or gesture with the same meaning (ie, stops current activity, if only briefly) | $understands_no | 2 |
3 | Directs attention to storyteller or reader | $attention_story | 3 |
4 | Points to 3 body parts when asked | $points_3_bodyparts | 2 |
5 | Knows difference between 2 toys | $knows_2_toys | 2 |
6 | Responds differently to 2 different requests (ie, “Do you want to play?” vs “Do you want to go to bed?” | $knows_2_requests | 2 |
7 | Comments | $lang_recept_comments | |
J. | Mood | ||
1 | Exhibits shyness and/or social anxiety about situations and people | $shy | 1 |
2 | Is easily irritated (negative response to a mild stimulus) | $easily_irritated | 1 |
3 | Expresses fear or worries or anxieties that are unreasonable | $anxiety | 1 |
4 | Is hyperactive, ie, always “on the go,” as if driven by a motor, difficulty staying still in situations that call for it. Note that activities are not purposeless. | $hyperactive | 1 |
5 | Laughs/smiles inappropriately (ie, when gets hurt or witnesses someone else getting hurt or when someone cries or appears sad or angry) | $laughs_inapprop | 1 |
6 | Obsesses about things, situations, or people. Gets thoughts or ideas stuck in his/her head and cannot stop thinking about them (ie, constantly thinks about or talks about certain toys or activities). | $obsesses | 1 |
7 | Exhibits self-injurious behaviors (ie, deliberately attempts to harm self by biting, kicking, scratching, or other risk taking behavior that is intended to result in bodily harm). | $self_injurious | 1 |
8 | Slow to settle down/difficulty calming or transitioning after a (positive or negative) stimulation | $slow_to_settle | 1 |
9 | Comments | $mood_comments | |
K. | Reciprocity | ||
1 | Sustains gaze when parent makes eye contact with child | $sustains_gaze | 2 |
2 | Imitates or tries to imitate parent/caregiver facial expressions (ie, smiling, open mouth, smacking lips, blinking eyes) | $imitates_expressions | 2 |
3 | Follows pointed finger to an object | $follows_pointed_finger | 2 |
4 | Waves goodbye when another person waves, or when another person says “goodbye” to child | $waves | 2 |
5 | Shows interest in children by sharing toys, seeking eye contact, sustaining eye contact, attempting to communicate verbally or physically (making sounds to get other child's attention, touching other child, scooting, crawling, walking over to be closer to other child), watches what other child is doing | $interest_in_children | 2 |
6 | Makes or tries to make social contact with people by smiling, laughing, offering toys or other items, touching person, moving to be near a person, saying or attempting to say person's name or get their attention | $makes_social_contact | 2 |
7 | Smiles when smiled at | $smiles_response | 2 |
8 | Child engages in parallel play (engages in similar activity as another child nearby, but does not interact directly with that child) | $parallel_play | 2 |
9 | Child engages in behavior that is intended to elicit response from others (ie, to provoke laughter, or “testing the limits”) | $behavior_response | 2 |
10 | Comments | $reciprocity_comments | |
L. | Sensory | ||
1 | Blunted response to pain/pain insensitivity (ie, does not appear to notice painful stimuli) | $pain_insensitivity | 1 |
2 | Hypersensitive to pain/cries in pain easily (ie, cries or complains of pain with stimulus that should not be painful) | $pain_hypersensitivity | 1 |
3 | Cortical visual impairment | $cvi | 1 |
4 | Sensorineural hearing loss | $snhl | 1 |
5 | Comments | $sensory_comments | |
M. | Sleep | ||
1 | Hypersomnolent/difficult to keep awake during day | $hypersomnolent | 1 |
2 | Abnormal sleep onset | $abnl_sleep_onset | 1 |
3 | Abnormal awakening after sleep onset | $awakens_after_sleep_onset 1 | |
4 | Hyposomnolent (does not appear to need same amount of sleep as other his/her age) | $hyposomnolent | 1 |
5 | Comments | $sleep_comments |
Score type 1: 0 = does not occur; 1 = rarely occurs and does not interfere with routine activities; 2 = frequently (ie, weekly) interferes with routine activities; 3 = constantly (ie, daily) interferes with routine activities.
Score type 2: 0 = always able to (100% independently); 1 = usually able to (75% of the time, needs prompting); 2 = sometimes able to (can attempt, but result is not good); 3 = never able to (too hard, too difficult, not safe, not appropriate).
Score type 3: 0 = >1 minute; 1 = 1 minute; 2 = 30 seconds; 3 = not at all.