Fig. 6.
PU.1 is necessary for looping a conserved enhancer at the Nfatc1 locus. a Depiction of murine PU.1 MP and OC ChIP-Seq peaks and murine BMDM H3K27Ac active enhancer mark ChIP-Seq peaks ± 25 kb from the TSS of Nfatc1 (top). BglII sites used for 3C (below top trace). Trace of PU.1 and H3K27Ac ChIP-Seq peaks from human PBMCs ± 25 kb from the TSS of NFATc1 (bottom). b 3C assay from murine MPs and OCs (n = 2). BglII sites on the x-axis correspond to the indicated site ligating with the common forward site (C1) at the Nfatc1 promoter. c 3C assay results from murine WT OCs and Pu.1 KO OCs (n = 2). d 3C assay from murine WT MPs and Pu.1 KO MPs (n = 2).