Knockdown of EGFR expression decreases PEDV infection. (A and C) Verification of EGFR knockdown efficiency. IPEC-J2 (A) and HEK293 (C) cells were transfected with EGFR-specific siRNA (siEGFR) or scrambled control siRNA (siCtrl) for 24 h, and the knockdown efficiency of EGFR was determined by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blotting. (B and D) Depletion of endogenous EGFR inhibited PEDV replication. After siRNA transfection for 24 h, cells were exposed to virus for 48 h (IPEC-J2) (B) or 24 h (HEK293) (D). The effect of EGFR knockdown on PEDV infection was determined by Western blotting (A and C, right), quantitative RT-PCR, and TCID50 assay. The results are representative of three independent experiments (means and SD). *, P < 0.05. The P value was calculated using Student's t test.