FIG 7.
Purified RCs remain active in RNA synthesis. (A) Distribution of endogenous minus- and plus-strand RNAs between SFV sedimentation (left) and flotation (right) fractions studied by in-gel hybridization. 18S rRNA was detected from the same fractions (fr. 1 to 12, from top to bottom; fr. 13 is the pellet), and S7 is shown for comparison. (B) In vitro replication activity of the same fractions as those used for panel A, studied by [32P]CTP incorporation. (C) Comparison of in vitro replication activity of S7 and purified RCs after replication reaction mixtures were incubated 4 h. S7 and RCs indicate [32P]CTP incorporation by the S7 fraction and the purified RCs, respectively. In panel A the volume from the fractions used for RNA isolation was about ∼7.5 times larger than the S7 sample volume, and in panels B and C 20-fold-diluted S7 was used.