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. 2018 Mar 21;153(5):e180214. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2018.0214

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Variables Stratified by Risk Analysis Index Score.

Characteristic RAI Score, No. (%)
≤10 11-20 21-30 31-40 >40
Total 811 043 (82.4) 108 635 (11.0) 47 304 (4.8) 14 348 (1.5) 3220 (0.3)
Age, mean/median (SD) 56.3/58.0 (16.7) 67.4/70.0 (16.4) 66.4/67.0 (15.1) 67.4/69.0 (14.8) 66.6/68.0 (14.3)
Age, y
≤ 55 368 515 (45.4) 25 986 (23.9) 11 034 (23.3) 3007 (21.0) 665 (20.7)
56-65 177 826 (21.9) 19 811 (18.2) 10 603 (22.4) 3061 (21.3) 763 (23.7)
66-75 154 235 (19.0) 22 667 (20.9) 10 784 (22.8) 3387 (23.6) 821 (25.5)
>75 110 467 (13.6) 40 171 (37.0) 14 883 (31.5) 4893 (34.1) 971 (30.2)
Male 334 015 (41.2) 55 707 (51.3) 32 865 (69.5) 10 248 (71.4) 2434 (75.6)
Female 477 028 (58.8) 52 928 (48.7) 14 439 (30.5) 4100 (28.6) 786 (24.4)
White 609 279 (83.7) 80 816 (81.6) 35 129 (81.6) 10 268 (78.5) 2242 (76.2)
Black 80 617 (11.1) 13 686 (13.8) 5997 (13.9) 2250 (17.2) 560 (19.0)
Asian 18 961 (2.6) 2418 (2.4) 1057 (2.5 295 (2.3 75 (2.6
Hispanic 12 980 (1.8) 1443 (1.5) 565 (1.3) 187 (1.4) 43 (1.5)
Native American 5968 (0.8) 716 (0.7) 303 (0.7) 86 (0.7) 21 (0.7)
BMI, mean (SD) 30.9 (12.9) 27.3 (7.6) 27.4 (7.4) 26.9 (7.9) 29.9 (7.3)
ASA level
1 54 355 (6.7) 944 (0.9) 217 (0.5) 23 (0.2) 1 (0.0)
2 339 649 (41.9) 19 036 (17.5) 6386 (13.5) 813 (5.7) 54 (1.7)
3 363 771 (44.9) 62 554 (57.7) 24 448 (51.8) 5790 (40.4) 919 (28.6)
4/5 52 184 (6.4) 25 947 (23.9) 16 188 (34.3) 7699 (53.7) 2242 (69.7)
Current smoker (within 1 y) 173 032 (21.3) 22 297 (20.5) 9473 (20.0) 3067 (21.4) 784 (24.3)
Functional status
Independent 802 653 (99.0) 69 876 (64.3) 20 687 (43.7) 2976 (20.7) 61 (1.9)
Partial dependent 8390 (1.0) 36 182 (33.3) 15 181 (32.1) 3016 (21.0) 656 (20.4)
Total dependent 0 2577 (2.4) 11 436 (24.2) 8356 (58.2) 2503 (77.7)
None 673 992 (83.1) 81 622 (75.1) 34 796 (73.6) 9975 (69.5) 2204 (68.4)
Noninsulin 36 114 (4.5) 4944 (4.6) 1901 (4.0) 462 (3.2) 105 (3.3)
Oral medication 49 266 (6.1) 7662 (7.1) 3285 (6.9) 1051 (7.3) 237 (7.4)
Insulin 51 671 (6.4) 14 407 (13.3) 7322 (15.5) 2860 (19.9) 674 (20.9)
Congestive heart failure 2331 (0.3) 6117 (5.6) 3519 (7.4) 2034 (14.2) 830 (25.8)
None 720 144 (88.8) 86 148 (79.3) 37 110 (78.5) 8618 (60.1) 1160 (36.0)
Moderate exertion 88 591 (10.9 15 763 (14.5) 5829 (12.3) 1534 (10.7) 259 (8.0)
At rest 2308 (0.3) 6724 (6.2) 4365 (9.2) 4196 (29.2) 1801 (55.9)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 41 824 (5.2) 12 577 (11.6) 5826 (12.3) 2432 (17.0) 692 (21.5)
Preoperative pneumonia 2103 (0.3) 1973 (1.8) 2164 (4.6) 1652 (11.5) 668 (20.7)
Preoperative ventilator 1698 (0.2) 2155 (2.0) 4874 (10.3) 3603 (25.1) 1250 (38.8)
Preoperative coma 59 (0.0) 44 (0.0) 269 (0.6) 340 (2.4) 139 (4.3)
Impaired sensorium 2093 (0.3) 2165 (2.0) 2993 (6.3) 2529 (17.6) 1100 (34.2)
Transient ischemic attack 27 841 (3.4) 6358 (5.9) 2252 (4.8) 725 (5.1) 185 (5.7)
None 776 006 (95.7) 97 270 (89.5) 41 137 (87.0) 11 411 (79.5) 2540 (78.9)
Without deficit 17 466 (2.2) 5219 (4.8) 2224 (4.7) 677 (4.7) 152 (4.7)
With deficit 17 493 (2.2) 6138 (5.7) 3938 (8.3) 2260 (15.8) 528 (16.4)
Ascites 6086 (0.8) 3030 (2.8) 2500 (5.3) 1464 (10.2) 570 (17.7)
Bleeding disorder 50 312 (6.2) 16 138 (14.9) 8331 (17.6) 3436 (23.9) 1002 (31.1)
Disseminated cancer 0 10 397 (9.6) 12 777 (27.0) 3416 (23.8) 1247 (38.7)
Chemotherapy 0 7587 (7.0) 7047 (14.9) 1783 (12.4) 644 (20.0)
Radiotherapy 0 3474 (3.2) 5588 (11.8) 1279 (8.9) 318 (9.9)
Steroids 27 641 (3.4) 7021 (6.5) 3345 (7.1) 1353 (9.4) 466 (14.5)
Transfusion 4762 (0.6 2985 (2.7 2375 (5.0 1173 (8.2 383 (11.9)
Weight loss 139 (0.0) 19 795 (18.2) 5039 (10.7) 4241 (29.6) 1186 (36.8)
Open/infected wound 32 324 (4.0) 16 166 (14.9) 9951 (21.0) 4358 (30.4) 1129 (35.1)
Dialysis 5121 (0.6) 10 408 (9.6) 5194 (11.0) 2155 (15.0) 749 (23.3)
Preoperative renal failure 1162 (0.1) 3093 (2.8) 2055 (4.3) 1321 (9.2) 666 (20.7)
Hypertension requiring medications 407 460 (50.2) 71 080 (65.4) 29 665 (62.7) 9434 (65.8) 2124 (66.0)
Type of operation
General 599 503 (73.9) 70 003 (64.4) 33 325 (70.4) 10 183 (71.0) 2429 (75.4)
Vascular 120 128 (14.8) 26 096 (24.0) 9557 (20.2) 3056 (21.3) 595 (18.5)
Thoracic 8179 (1.0) 1939 (1.8) 1197 (2.5) 325 (2.3) 87 (2.7)
Cardiac 9301 (1.1) 2203 (2.0) 572 (1.2) 200 (1.4) 34 (1.1)
Orthopedic 73 932 (9.1) 8394 (7.7) 2653 (5.6) 584 (4.1) 75 (2.3)
Length of stay, d, Mean/Median (SD) 4.4/3 (6.1) 8.5/6 (10.7) 11.3/7 (13.9) 14/9 (16.9) 15.4/10 (17.8)
Emergency operation 133 137 (16.4) 22 071 (20.3) 12 523 (26.5) 5737 (40.0) 1733 (53.8)
Procedural mortality risk
<1% (low) 483 286 (59.6) 28 352 (26.1) 6820 (14.4) 1103 (7.7) 140 (4.3)
>1% (high) 327 757 (40.4) 80 283 (73.9) 40 484 (85.6) 13 245 (92.3) 3080 (95.7)

Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared).